Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fall Blogger's Block

It's fall. Here in Area 52, the leaves are rapidly turning their beautiful fall colors, the days are getting shorter, and the weather is changing. Today, we had our first sighting of snow, and it's only October 12. I wonder what Columbus felt when he landed in America if the weather was like this!!
I have also noticed that my fellow bloggers that I try to read daily or at least semi-regularly, are way behind on their blogs, as am I. Maybe no one has anything worth writing right now, or are too busy. I just think it's strange that several of us are having a hard time or less energy to write. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and maybe I will have just the inspiration to write. But for now, a good book, a quilt and a soft pillow sounds like a plan.


Anonymous said...

Was too worth the read. I think it is the shorter daylight hours. When it gets dark we are supposed to sleep, so our brains just shut down when it gets dark. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

Greyhound Girl said...

I so think you should write about the Big Bee Hunter turns into a Mouse Killer! (alternate title- Mice CAN swim!) I love you daddy!