Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Stars At Night, Are Big and Bright....

Hello from deep in the heart of Texas. It's wonderful here. Cool. breezy, and sunny. This must be what heaven will be like someday. I just woke up from napping in the sunshine on my brother's backyard deck. What a life.
Spring is definitely here. About a month ahead of up north. Flowers are blooming and the air is full of fragrant smells of jasmine and honeysuckle.
I am so relaxed. My backache is gone and so is my nervous stomach ache. I am destressing, which after a somewhat wild plane ride, is a good thing.
I wonder if this is what retirement will be like!
More later.
Peace ,


Curley said...

Somewhat wild plane ride? Tell more. Glad you have arrived safe and are relaxing like you are supposed to be. Have a great time.

Jimmie Earl said...

Lots of turbulence and bumpy ride most of the way. Sometimes we dropped until I felt like my heart was in my throat. Believe it or not, when I was most scared and "white knuckling it" my favorite Christian music came on my MP3 which I had been listening to most of the trip. It happened twice. It made me feel like I was in His hands. Coincidence? I think not!