Okay, last Friday afternoon, late in the afternoon as a matter of fact, I was dozing in my recliner. Actually I was sound asleep. The phone rang. I groped for the release on the chair, looked around the room for the phone and finally answered it right before it went to voice mail. The following conversation ensued:
Caller: Is Jimmieearl there?
Me: This is Jimmieearl.
Caller: Have you talked to your brother today?
Me: No I haven't. (by this time my heart is in my throat thinking something happened to him as he is on vacation in Michigan and Wisconsin.)
Caller: Well, my name is Ta Da and this is really awkward, and something I never do, but I just spent the last few days in Michigan with your brother and his wife and some other friends.
Me: Oh.
TD: They talked a lot about you and thought you might like to spend some time with some people your own age, so I thought I would call and invite you to go with me to a festival in Big City tomorrow evening. There will be several of my friends and other couples there and I thought you might like to join us, if you don't have other plans.
JE: Well, thanks, that's very thoughtful of you, but I have other plans. But maybe some other time.
TD: You do? Well, okay, why don't I give you my number and you can call me.
JE: That's a good idea. I will call.
TD: This puts the ball in your court now.
JE: Yeah, I guess it does (chuckle) By the way, did you all have fun in Michigan?
TD: Oh we had a great time. Or at least we women did. Your brother was a real trooper as it turned out that he was the only guy there, but he let us women have plenty of gab time.
JE: That's good. He's a great guy, and his wife is one of my very favorite people.
TD: I can see why; she's real sweet.
JE: Well, thanks for calling and I will call you sometime.
TD: Okay, bye
JE: Bye.
Now, bear in mind that since my wife died, I have had only one woman call me to "hit on me." I knew her, and I also know she had had too much to drink when she called. I wasn't interested. But now? Maybe I could be with TD.
Later in the evening, my brother called, and left me a message that if I got a phone call from a lady that I didn't know, "answer the damn phone." He said she was "good people."
Now why in the heck didn't he call a couple hours earlier?
I will call TD back. I'm sure she had to be nervous about calling some guy she had never met, and I know I was nervous about talking to some lady I had never met. So, now it's up to me to make the next move. Wow! This being old, retired, AND single is hard work. (And I really DID have other plans).