Saturday, December 25, 2010

What I Read #111

The Help by Kathryn Stockett: Three women in Mississippi, during the 60's, cause quite a stir when they collaborate on a book. The writer, Skeeter, is white. The other two, Aibileen and Minny are African American domestics. This novel tells of the relationships between the white families and their help. Even though it is fiction, it is not hard to believe the vile treatment these domestics received from their wealthy employers. This book really introduced a life in the South that we people from the North knew nothing about. It showed the shame, cruelty, embarrassment and the naivety of both the employers and their employees.
Read this powerful novel. It will open your eyes. It will have you laughing one moment and break your heart the next. Kathryn Stockett was raised in Jackson, Mississippi and knows the true story, and she tells it with perfection.

Happy Reading,

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