Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas will be Different This Year

It wasn't possible for the gang to gather to decorate for Christmas this year. With Prof and Kiddo 1300 miles away, Lil Bro and Sistah working, and of course a dear one missing, it just wasn't in the cards. So, I did what needed to be done. Sorta!

I did put up a tree. It wasn't the huge family tree with all the memories and nostalgia attached. My heart just wasn't there. But I did put up the 7 ft. chrystal and white tree. It is beautiful. I also put out some of the nativity collection, the Father Christmas collection, and some of the water globes. I have carolers on the piano, wreaths on the doors and some greenery swagged around my front door.

As a special tribute to Tilly, I did put up her favorite tree. It is a 3 ft. blue spruce that goes in our bedroom. It has pink lights on it, and is decorated in its entirity in a music motif. It's beautiful. It seems even more beautiful this year. It seems to have an aura! I wonder why! One interesting thing about this tree this year is that Friday afternoon when I got home from school, I went into the bedroom to change out of the sweater into a sweatshirt and plugged in the "music tree." Later that evening, when I got ready for bed, I noticed that it wasn't on. I checked the lights, they wouldn't come back on, I switched them to another plug-in. Still nothing. So, on Saturday, I searched for new pink lights. I found a string, took them home, took every decoration off the tree, restrung the new lights on, and redecorated the entire tree again. It has a new aura. I think it is even more beautiful than before.

As far as cooking, I don't know how to make all the kid's favorite dishes that their mum used to make. I don't know how to make the fancy hot dogs in pineapple, the sour cream coffee cake, the bacon and egg cassarole, or the mulled cider. So Christmas will be different.

Prof and Kiddo are coming home. But, they won't arrive until about 9:30 Christmas Eve. That is the night we always go to Tilly's parents, so that will have to be rescheduled. But that's okay. If I had my way, I would not go there. Too painful memory wise this year. But they want the grands there, and are gracious enough to include me, so we will go sometime. We will just have to decide when.

Little Bro has to work until 6 pm on Christmas Day, so if everything goes as planned, Prof Kiddo and I are going to the movies that afternoon. If Sistah doesn't have plans, she will go along, I hope. After all, I don't want to interfer with her plans with her side of the family.

I guess, with all the changes, I am just glad that we will all be together. It will be wonderful to see Prof and Kiddo. It will be wonderful having all my "chicks" come home to roost. I know the time will go fast. I know it will be strange, but we will keep it light, not too sentimental, and we will survive.

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