Well, today was the pits of heck! I didn't want to get up in the first place. Of course, I never want to get up so this morning was no exception. But of course, if I want to keep my job, I have to show up. So, I went to work anyway. All went as usual until lunch. I eat lunch alone in the teacher's lounge because we have staggered lunch and no one else eats then. While I was sitting there eating, I just had a grief attack. It hit me like a ton of brick. I sniffed and snotted around for a while, got over the worst part and went back to work. The rest of the day progressed slowly, and I left. I picked up my friend Curley and we went to WalMart. She told me she was going to get me out of my funk, and we laughed as we shopped. Her hubby, a good guy, was deer hunting and didn't want to go to WalMart. He was literally deer hunting. He hit one last night, but it took off. It was so close to dark that he tracked it until he lost the light, so he went back out tonight after work to see if he could find it.
One of the fellows at work who I am close to brought me home made cinnamon rolls that his wife had baked just this morning. I thought that was pretty cool. This is the same guy who brought me chicken and noodles one Saturday afternoon. He and his wife are my kids age, but they are watching out for me. He checks on me about every day and is so kind. It's nice to know that there are people out there that really care.
Now that I write this all down, and have whined, I have to admit that all in all, it really wasn't as bad a day as I thought it was. I had time to spend with a friend, had someone show they cared about me, and just now as I was typing this, Lil Bro and Sistah called and want me to go to eat Asian with them. What more can a fellow ask for?
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