1. I descend from Irish/German. Both family lines have been in North America at least since 1843.
2. I am the youngest of two boys. I am the shortest in height, and look the oldest, which probably pleases my older brother.
3. Both parents are gone now; when they were alive they were fantastic parents,who really loved each other.
4. I collect nothing anymore. To much dusting. My late wife and I collected Nativity Scenes. Now all but a couple remain in boxes in the garage.
5. I like music related art work.
6. Milk makes me ill. But I can eat ice cream; go figure.
7. Coffee is my drink of choice. No latte or mocha, just coffee, fresh ground, please.
8. I try to walk every day. And watch my diet very closely.
9. I enjoy Opera. My favorite opera is “La Boheme”.
10. My favorite composer is Bach.
11. I am a certified Paraprofessional in Special Education .
12. I have gone through many heartaches and have survived..
13. After 66 years of living in the Midwest, I still live in the Midwest: Indiana.
14. I take medicine for high blood pressure and high cholesterol/triglycerides.
15. I have smoked tobacco and marijuana (once.). I quit smoking in 2000.
16. I hope I never stop learning and growing.
17. My fears – snakes, wind, dying alone.
18. I love to read. I would choose a book over most activities most of the time.
19. Things I haven’t ever done (so far) – , been arrested,( even for a traffic violation,) bungee jumped, or had a passport.
20. I love to garden; not the mowing or weeding, but planting things and watching them grow is fascinating.
21. Some of my favorite things – thunderstorms, a back rub, Netflix, Margaritas, and other things which would make this blog "not safe for work." Beside that, my kids read this!
22. I continue to operate on the advice of "Make a joyful unto the Lord."
23. I never heard of blogs until 2006. Now I am ‘quite into it’ and enjoy the opportunity to write and ‘meet others’ through their writing.
24. I have your basic "Procrastination" wiring. It drives those around me "nuts" but they adjust.
25. I am Protestant, Methodist.
26. I am ambidextrous, but write right handed. Eat left.
27. I have a small hump at the base of my neck.
28. I can’t operate the X Box 360 or Play Station that my grandson hooks up to my TV.
29. I taught English at a 2 year college for a while.
30. I am aggravated by ignorance, rude people, and drivers using cell-phones.
31. I make crocheted stuff, my own greeting cards,and I have even made a few quilts.
32. I tend to ramble if I talk too much.
33. I speak some Spanish; I do English well; my choice of subjects to teach.
34. I don't like hot and spicy foods; I love Ice Cream!
35. My favorite mustard is Dijon.
36. I think it would be fun to meet people with whom I blog, and my pen pal in New Zealand.
37. I want to see Nova Scotia before I die.