Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Another Questionaire

Mismatched questions

1. 1. Do you believe in Heaven?
Yes, life would be too much to bear without the belief that there is something better awaiting me.

2. Have you ever come close to dying?
No, not yet, thankfully!

3. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?

4. Would you ever consider having plastic surgery?
Nope. It’s too late, baby!

5. What do you wear to bed?
It depends on where I am. Home, summer, not a thing. Winter, just enough to stay warm. Away from home, just enough to be decent.

6. Have you ever done anything illegal?

7. Who was the last person that you touched?
Hugged my college roomie’s wife good bye at a recent reunion.

8. Where did you eat last?
My own kitchen/dining room. Out, Cracker Barrel.

9. Besides your own blog, are there any that you routinely read but never comment on?
10. Ever been involved with the police?
No, lucky me!

11. Do you talk in your sleep?

I don't think so

12. Now a celebrity fantasy. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?
Cher and Julia Roberts

13. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
Yes, a good long marriage, two wonderful children, and good, maybe not high paying jobs, but I liked them. Very good life.

14. Where do you wish you were?
I’m very content where I am. But I love the Lake Michigan area.

15. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
No, thank goodness!

16. Is there any type of dancing that you love to do?
My late wife and I actually could “dirty dance.” Fun!

17. Last gift you received?
Curley bought me breakfast last week.

18. Last sport you played?
Probably tennis in college. Yes, it’s been a long time.

19. Last place you went on holiday?
Dallas/ Ft. Worth in the spring.

20. Current Song?
I can’t name one current song, but I like anything Reba sings!

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