Monday, September 19, 2011

What I Read #69

Motion to Dismiss by Jonnie Jacobs: Kali O'Brien, a crackerjack defense attorney in San Francisco is having to play her best hand in a legal battle where reality is being challenged.
Grady Barrett, a local business tycoon, is accused of rape of Deirdre Nicholas. He claims he didn't do it. Because he is the husband of Kali's friend Nina, she agrees to defend him. Things only get worse when Nicholas's body is found at the bottom of a ravine in a "tony" part of town. Now Kali is fighting the system for Grady's life.
I was so sure that by "mid-novel" I this one figured out that I even announced to my daughter that I knew who did it. I wanted so badly to turn to the back to see if I was right, but I didn't. I am glad I didn't because I was wrong.
This was my first Jonnie Jacobs novel. I give it two thumbs up. I also went to the library and checked out two more in the Kali O'Brien series, they're that good!

Happy Reading,

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